• u46

    Vendor Registration (*FOR RFP/BID USE ONLY) 

    If you are a business that would like to be added to a database used by School District U-46, please register through School District U-46’s Procurement Portal. When registering, businesses are encouraged to select their UNSPSC commodity code and must select their category in order to receive email notifications from the school district that match their services. 

    Click here to register 

    School District U-46’s Procurement Portal
    SDU46 uses a procurement portal powered by Bonfire Interactive for accepting and evaluating bids and proposals electronically. Please contact Bonfire at Support@GoBonfire.com for technical questions related to your registration or submissions. You can also visit their help forum at bonfirehub.zendesk.com/hc 

    Click here to see Procurement Opportunities 

    **Vendor Registration for other than RFP/BID purposes, please contact Business Services.

    2024/2025 Public Bid Schedule

    2024/2025 U-46 Bid/RFP Request Form