• Trauma Informed Care Awareness Day May 15                                                Purple Ribbon for Trauma Informed Care Awareness

     Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a profound impact on a child’s ability to learn. Key to ensuring that all students can thrive academically is identifying and supporting students who have experienced multiple ‘adverse childhood experiences’ or ACEs.

    Trauma-Informed Care awareness helps us approach the social-emotional needs of others," said U-46 Director of School Safety and Culture John Heiderscheidt. “All of our lives have been disrupted by this pandemic. We share a traumatic experience, some more traumatic than others. A trauma-informed approach means that we take this into consideration for all, so we can help each other reach academic success as we overcome adverse experiences."

    Trauma-informed care prepares educators and others to better respond to students with adverse childhood experiences. It is an approach that recognizes how these experiences may affect a child in the classroom, and it gives educators tools they can implement to support students who have experienced trauma. The Adverse Childhood Experiences study performed by the Center for Disease Control found that traumatic experiences during childhood have a tremendous impact on future social and health problems.

    Resiliency Teams with purple ribbon