Using Canvas for Parents & Students

  • Canvas

    Canvas is a Learning Management System that serves as a hub, holding class assignments, activities, quizzes, tests, and more. Students and teachers can also communicate with each other via Canvas. We hope it will offer teachers, students, and parents a streamlined approach to teaching and learning.

    Students may access their Canvas classes through Clever, or through the waffle (the grid of nine small grey boxes on the top right) on their student Gmail account. They will enter the Canvas portal by clicking the orange sunburst icon labeled “Canvas.”  

    Parents can access Canvas by visiting

    Below are short tutorial videos for parents and students. Additionally, we have hands-on, recorded webinars provided by U46 Engage: Click here to view the English, and click here to view the Spanish version

Canvas Video Tutorials

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - English

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - Spanish

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - Polish

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - Gujarati

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - Tagalog

  • Canvas Tutorial Videos - Urdu/Hindi

How to Access Canvas on iPad

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