- School District U-46
- Canvas
Using Canvas for Parents & Students
Canvas is a Learning Management System that serves as a hub, holding class assignments, activities, quizzes, tests, and more. Students and teachers can also communicate with each other via Canvas. We hope it will offer teachers, students, and parents a streamlined approach to teaching and learning.
Students may access their Canvas classes through Clever, or through the waffle (the grid of nine small grey boxes on the top right) on their student Gmail account. They will enter the Canvas portal by clicking the orange sunburst icon labeled “Canvas.”Parents can access Canvas by visiting https://u46.instructure.com/login/canvas
Below are short tutorial videos for parents and students. Additionally, we have hands-on, recorded webinars provided by U46 Engage: Click here to view the English, and click here to view the Spanish version.
Canvas Video Tutorials
Canvas Tutorial Videos - English
Student Login: In this video, students can learn about Canvas Instructure, the learning management system (LMS) selected for School District U-46 online classes, where to find it, and how to login.
Parent/Student Notifications: In this video, parents and students can learn how to set up their notification preferences on Canvas.
Creating Parent/Observer Accounts: In this video, parents and guardians can learn about Canvas Instructure, the learning management system selected for School District U-46 online classes, and how to create an “observer” account that links with their students’ accounts.
Basic Parent Navigation Assignments/Grades: In this video, parents, who have set up their observer accounts, can view assignments and grades and learn the basics of navigating Canvas. As a reminder: Infinite Campus will still be the primary location where final grades will be submitted and posted.
Parent/Student Notifications: In this video, parents and students can learn how to set up their notification preferences on Canvas.
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.
- How do I submit an online assignment?
- How do I take a quiz?
- How do I reply to a discussion as a student?
Canvas Tutorial Videos - Spanish
Los estudiantes cómo ingresar: En este video, los estudiantes aprenderán sobre Canvas Instructure, el sistema de administración de aprendizaje seleccionado para las clases en línea del Distrito Escolar U-46, donde encontrarlo y cómo ingresar.
Configurar sus preferencias de notificación: Los padres estudiante En este video, los padres y estudiantes aprenderán a configurar sus preferencias de notificación en Canvas.
Cómo Crear Una Cuenta Como "Observador": En este video, los padres y tutores legales aprenderán sobre la plataforma de Canvas Instructure, el sistema de administración de aprendizaje seleccionado para las clases en línea del Distrito Escolar U-46, y cómo crear una cuenta como "observador" que se conecta con las cuentas de su estudiante.
Conceptos Básicos y Tareas/Calificaciones: En este video, los padres que han establecido sus cuentas como observador, pueden ver las tareas y calificaciones y aprender los conceptos básicos de Canvas. Como recordatorio: el Portal de Padres Infinite Campus seguirá siendo el lugar principal donde se ingresarán y publicarán las calificaciones finales.
Configurar sus preferencias de notificación: En este video, los padres y estudiantes aprenderán a configurar sus preferencias de notificación en Canvas.
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.
Canvas Tutorial Videos - Polish
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.
Canvas Tutorial Videos - Gujarati
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.
Canvas Tutorial Videos - Tagalog
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.
Canvas Tutorial Videos - Urdu/Hindi
More resources from Canvas:
Canvas Overview for Students: In this video, you will learn about your Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links. You’ll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.