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    BrainPop/BrainPop Jr



    BrainPop is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies, quizzes, and other materials we use in class to supplement our curriculum for students

    Used for Grades K-6 and some 7/8th Health courses

    Location: Brainpop Website

    Help: email curriculumapps@u-46.org

    Data Updates: N/A

    Available at Home: Yes



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    Polar Go Fit


     Polar Go

    Polar Go Fit is an app we use that is able to track the heart rate of students who are wearing a Polar heart rate monitor.  Teachers can define a target heart rate zone and students can see on their watch what zone they are in and for how long. the teacher can see on the app the information for each student watch.

    Used for Grades 7-12 PE

    Location: iPad app

    Help: email curriculumapps@u-46.org

    Data Updates: N/A

    Available at Home: Yes


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    Volt is a fitness training app. The app allows students to design a daily training program.  Students can customize their workouts to meet individual goals by choosing from a variety of activities/lifts/exercises within the app.  The app has detailed videos that show students how to correctly perform a variety of exercises. Student can also enter their information and track progress through the app.  The teacher can see student data in the Volt app.

    Used for Grades 9-12 fitness-based PE classes

    Location: iPad app

    Help: email curriculumapps@u-46.org

    Data Updates: N/A

    Available at Home: Yes


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    Pectora-Ellis & Associates - Lifeguard Course Data System



    Pectora-Ellis & Associates is the system teacher's with their Lifeguard Certification and Leadership course to administer quizzes, track course completion and manage student certifications for Ellis & Associates Lifeguard Certification Course. 

    Used for Grades 9-12 PE

    Location: ...

    Help: email curriculumapps@u-46.org

    Data Updates: N/A

    Available at Home: Yes


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