• U-46 Driver Education Course Outline

    1. Chapter 1- Driving Task
    a. You and the Driving System- State, and Local Government Regulations
    b. New responsibilities
    c. Privilege- Need to earn right to drive
    d. Driver’s License- The process of obtaining your Driver’s License
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test
    f. Other Internet Activities- Graduated Driver’s License website- http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/


    2. Chapter 2- Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings (Students studied these
    prior to passing the permit test.)
    a. Traffic Signs
    b. Traffic Signals
    c. Roadway Markings
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test
    3. Chapter 3- Basic Vehicle Operation
    a. Controls, Devices, and Instruments- How to read your instrument panel
    b. Getting Ready to Drive-Driving pre-check
    c. Starting, stopping, steering, and targeting- Understanding controlled steering, accelerating, and stopping.
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    4. Chapter 4- Performing Basic Maneuvers
    a. Mirror Usage and Backing Procedure- Using mirrors and backing up process
    b. Basic Driving Maneuvers- Turn signal communication
    c. Parking Maneuvers- Using reference points- uphill, downhill, angle, straight
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test
    5. Chapter 5- Managing Risk with identify, predict, decide, execute (IPDE) process
    a. IPDE Process/Low Risk Driving/Making Good Decisions- SMITH System
    b. Identify and Predict- Zone control/blind spots
    c. Decide and Execute- Decisions made as part of the IPDE process
    d. Using IPDE Process- Practice to make it a habit
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    6. Chapter 6- Driver Conditions
    a. Emotions and Driving- Decision making, positive thinking
    b. Physical Senses and Driving- Using all senses to see big picture
    c. Physical Disabilities- Keep yourself at your highest ability!
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    7. Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving
    a. Effects of Alcohol on Driving Safely-Blood alcohol content (BAC) and increasing the driving risk
    b. Other Kinds of Drugs and Driving- Over the counter (OTC)
    c. Traffic Laws Governing the Use of Alcohol- DUI/DWI and penalties
    d. Coping with Peer Pressure- Steps for dealing with peer pressure
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test
    8. Managing Distractions
    a. Driver Inattention and Distractions- Attention to driving and the task at hand.
    b. Distractions Inside the Vehicle- Cell phones
    c. Distractions Outside the Vehicle- Stay focused
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    9. Natural Laws and Car Controls
    a. Gravity and Energy in Motion-Law of inertia
    b. Tires and Traction-Friction, Pound Per Square Inch (PSI) and Road Type
    c. Vehicle Balance and Control in Curves-Center of gravity
    d. Stopping Distance-Total stopping distance
    e. Controlling Force of Impact-Car/body collision
    f. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    10. Negotiating Intersection
    a. Searching Intersections- Zone check, point of no return
    b. Determining Right of Way and Judging Gaps- Judging speed/distance
    c. Controlled Intersections- Clear path of travel and no line-of-sight restrictions
    d. Uncontrolled Intersections- Identify, predict, decide, execute process (IPDE)- 12-15 seconds, 4-6 seconds, 2 seconds
    e. Railroad Crossings- Open Eyes - Open Ears
    f. Roundabouts
    g. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    11.Sharing the Roadway
    a. Pedestrians- Your job to keep them safe. Bicycles and Mopeds
    c. Motorcycles and Scooters
    d. Trucks, Buses, and Emergency and Specialized Vehicles
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    12.Driving in Adverse Conditions
    a. Reduced Visibility- What adjustments are you making
    b. Reduced Traction- Snow, rain, wind, and ice
    c. Other Adverse Weather Conditions
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    13. Handling Emergencies
    a. Vehicle Malfunctions
    b. Driver Errors
    c. Roadway Hazards
    d. Collisions
    e. Insurance
    f. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    14. Driving In City Traffic
    a. Adjusting to City Traffic
    b. Following and Meeting Traffic
    c. Managing Space in City Traffic
    d. Special City Situations
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    15.Driving in Rural Areas
    a. Characteristics of Rural Traffic
    b. Using Basic Skills in Rural Areas
    c. Passing and Being passed on Rural Road
    d. Rural Situations You Might Encounter
    e. Special Driving Environments
    f. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    16.Driving on Highways
    a. Characteristics of Highways
    b. Entering Controlled- Access Highways
    c. Strategies for Driving on Highways
    d. Exiting Controlled-Access Highways
    e. Highway Problem and Features
    f. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    17.Buying and Maintaining a Vehicle's
    a. Buying a Vehicle
    b. Preventive Maintenancec. Fuel Efficiency, Recycling, and Security System
    d. Hot Links/Student Self-Test

    18.Planning your Travel
    a. Environmental Concern
    b. Local Travel
    c. Long-Distance Travel
    d. Special Vehicles and Trailers
    e. Hot Links/Student Self-Test