- School District U-46
- Driver Education/License Information
Driver Education Law Change for 18-20 year olds!
● In the past, Illinois teens were able to avoid taking Driver’s Ed by waiting until
they turned 18. At this point, they could go to the DMV, take the required
tests and with a passing grade receive their driver’s license. A new Illinois
state law has changed things up, making the process of getting a driver’s
license without taking a driver education class more complicated.● As of July 1, 2014, Illinois requires all 18, 19, and 20 year-olds to complete
six hours of classroom or online driver’s education before receiving a license.Behind the wheel training is not required. The new initiative was backed by
driving safety advocates in Illinois with the goal of reducing traffic fatalities,
among a high-risk group that tends to be overlooked.Share this information with all students 8 th grade through 12 th to help them make
an educated decision about how and when to fit driver's education into their
school or at home schedules.For more information, please see the ISBE Driver Education Frequently Asked
Questions at : https://www.isbe.net/Documents/driver_ed_faq.pdf