Contact the Board

  • The Board of Education for School District U-46 welcomes your input.

    Email the School Board at:

    By mail: 
    U-46 Board of Education

    Educational Services Center
    355 E. Chicago St.
    Elgin, IL 60120-6543

    Speaking During Board Meetings

    The Board of Education welcomes public comment at the beginning of regularly scheduled meeting. Each person who wishes to speak must complete a "Request to Speak" card, which can be found directly outside of the meeting room. Each speaker will be allotted up to three minutes. A tone will sound when the time has expired. Comments should be in good taste and demonstrate consideration for others. Comments regarding specific individuals are inappropriate.

    Who Else May I Contact?
    While anyone is welcome to speak to the Board of Education, please keep in mind that there are also other channels available to individuals who have a question or concern. A classroom question or concern should be discussed with the classroom teacher. If the issue is not resolved at the classroom level, the issue may be brought to the attention of the principal. A school-level question or concern should be discussed with the principal (or department supervisor). If the issue is not resolved at the school level, the issue may be brought to the attention of the assistant superintendent responsible for the school.  For more information, see Communication Guidelines for Parents and Guardians.

    District-wide questions or concerns may be e-mailed to the District’s School & Community Relations Department,, or by calling 847-888-5000 ext. 5003.