- School District U-46
- SBLA in Secondary Social Studies

@ a Glance for SS SBLA
What’s happening: All secondary Social Studies teachers (7th grade through High School) are being asked to participate in Standards Based Learning & Assessment beginning in the 2019-2020 school year. This means that they will be asked to assess student evidence using standards based rubrics and report those results to students and parents through one of Infinite Campus’ SBLA reporting features. To achieve this well, teachers need clear, concise, and consistent expectations.
- Teachers will assess student evidence using standards based rubrics.
- Social Studies administrators will support SBLA through training and support.
- Teachers will unpack the U-46 NCSS C3 Standards, and work collaboratively to create rubrics and assessments that align with both.
- Teachers will work in building and coursewide teams to establish policies that ensure multiple and challenging opportunities to demonstrate evidence of mastery.
- Teachers will utilize Infinite Campus to inform students and parents of individual student progress.
How is it happening: To clearly communicate expectations and facilitate this transition there will be 3 mandatory courses* for all social studies teachers to take.
- SS SBLA in IC - Focuses on IC setup options, communicating via IC to students & parents, creating, scoring, and reporting assessments
- Unpacking the standards - familiarization with U-46 C3 standards and writing formative/summative assessments and rubrics with them
- Lesson & Unit Planning - Opportunities to work in building/content teams to plan lessons and units
*Diversity of course formats - These courses can be taken on PPDs and DCDs, during paid summer sessions, online, or after/during school.
In working through this transition, the Social Studies department values:
- The work teachers have already done to accommodate varying degrees of SBLA practices
- Clear communication of expectations to teachers
- Opportunities for all students to demonstrate mastery of rigorous Social Studies skills and concepts
At any step in this process, if you have questions, please email Jacob VandeMoortel at jacobvandemoortel@u-46.org or call on x7705.
Introductory Summary Presentation
Secondary SS SBLA @ a Glance (the information above in a single .pdf)
U-46 Parent Grading Guide for MS and HS students
U-46 Parent Guide to Grading (en espanol)