Introduction to Law I

(04165A000-3) Credit: 1


Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12                                                                                                          Length: Semester


Prerequisites: None


Content: Introduction to Law is a semester course open to all grade levels. Since our society is based on law, this course is designed to give students a basic background in and introduce them to the fundamental concepts and procedures of the state and federal legal system. While studying the courts, law enforcement as a career, and the corrections system, students will become familiar with the terminology, concepts, and procedures in the areas of criminal and civil law. Audio-visual aids, speakers, current articles, and role-playing are used to examine the legal system from a social science point of view.


Activities: Assigned readings, lecture, discussion, individual and group reports, audio-visual aids, book reports, and research papers.

Intro to Law I Curriculum