Understanding the IEP

  • An overview of the evaluation process, eligibility, and next steps of an Individualized Education Program also known as an IEP.

Cómo entender un IEP

  • Cómo entender el proceso de evaluación, elegibilidad y los próximos pasos de un Programa de Educación Individualizado o conocido por sus siglas como IEP.

Tantrums, Meltdowns, Anxiety Attacks, and Impulse Control

  • The U-46 Specialized Student Services Committee of the Citizens’ Advisory Council presents Joey M. Williams, a clinical psychotherapist, and Dr. David Hunt, a clinical psychotherapist and director of psychoeducation at Advanced Behavioral Solutions, will discuss how to recognize the behavior, how to handle the event and strategies for next time.

  • This webinar offers academic and behavioral strategies for parents of students receiving special education services to maximize their child’s success during distance learning. It explores how to create an environment for success, reinforce desired behaviors, and actively engage students while learning at home.