Kindergarten School Bus Safety Orientation

  • As part of our safety program, School District U-46 Transportation offers a unique opportunity for incoming kindergarten students and parents to participate in a School Bus Safety Awareness program each August.

    The program consists of a short safety talk presented by Transportation Department personnel and a ride to and from school in a full size U-46 school bus. We sincerely encourage students and parents to take advantage of this opportunity to lessen those first-day fears commonly experienced by new students and parents. A parent/guardian and older siblings may accompany the kindergarten student on the bus, although we cannot accommodate younger siblings.

    Information about this program may be obtained by reaching out to Transportation at 847-888-5095.

Kindergarten Bus Tags

  • This program was developed and implemented by the Transportation Department to provide additional security for kindergarten students that ride the school bus home.

    • One kindergarten bus tag set for each registered kindergarten student will be supplied by the school. The bus tag set will include one yellow break-away lanyard, one bus tag holder and two bus tag cards. Parents/Guardians must completely fill out both cards. One should be inserted into the tag holder, the other is a spare to be kept on file at school.
    • Every transported kindergarten student must wear a completed bus tag to ride the bus home every day. The yellow lanyard is designed to be worn by the student and has a breakaway safety feature. Bus drivers will be looking for the yellow lanyards on children, not on or in backpacks. 
    • Transportation will bring kindergarten students to school without bus tags, but will not take kindergarten students home without them.
    • All kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop each day by approved chaperones. The back of the tag includes room to list parent approved chaperones, including parents.
    • Drivers cannot be responsible for ensuring that a kindergarten student not wearing a tag is met by a parent approved chaperone at the bus stop.
    • Drivers will not allow a student wearing a kindergarten bus tag off the bus unless an approved chaperone is present.
    • For those occasions when a kindergartner forgets his tag at home, the spare tag that is kept in the office may be copied and presented to the driver along with the student so that the student may still ride the bus home. 
    • If a student misplaces or loses his bus tag set, a replacement set must be requested from the school.