• Peer Assistance and Review is a yearlong, job-embedded program designed to support teachers one on one through both instruction and appraisal. Teachers are paired with a Peer Consultant Teacher to work through the Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply Cycle, through the lens of the Danielson Framework for Teaching. Any certified staff member not formally matched with a mentor through the Teacher Mentor Program is eligible to elect PAR support.  PAR Lighthouse

    Our PAR team is looking forward to supporting you!

    Colleen Ballantyne, Teacher Leader for TAP & PAR

    ColleenBallantyne@u-46.org or x4285

    Jennifer Williamson, Peer Consultant Teacher

    JenniferWilliamson@u-46.org or x6095

    To find out more, please email paradm@u-46.org.



    Click here to watch a brief testimonial video about the PAR Program. 

Teacher Testimonial


    "Having the ongoing support of my PCT was the most helpful in improving my practice.  The most challenging part was having to start using the Framework constantly to reflect and guide my instruction, as well as thinking with the end in mind.  My PCT was extremely helpful in continually working on that with me, making sure I completely understood how to use the Danielson Framework.”

        -Participating Teacher

PAR Flyer

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