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- Pre-Calculus
Pre-Calculus Curriculum
Scope and Sequence and Rubrics
1st Semester
Compose & Transform Functions
- Compose and transform functions F-BF-3(+), F-BF-1c
Inverses & Rational Functions
- Produce inverse function F-BF-4
- Graph & interpret rational functions F-IF-7
Exponential & Logarithmic Functions
- Graph & interpret exponential & logarithimic functions F-IF-7, F-BF-3(+)
- Use inverse relationships to solve problems F-BF-5
Series & Conics
- Explore sequences F.BF. 1, F.IF.3
- Use finite & infinite formulas to solve probelms A-SSE-4(+)
- Derive the equations of ellipses & hyperbolas G-GPE-2, G-GPE-3
2nd Semester
Unit Circle & Inverse Trigonometry
- Use unit cirlcles & inverse trigonometric functions F-TF-3, F-TF-4, F-TF-6, F-TF-7
Graph & Transform Trigonometry
- Graph & transform trigonometric functions F-TF-4, F-BF-3(+), F-IF-7e
Prove & Use Trigonometry
- Prove & use trigonometric functions G-SRT-9, G-SRT-10, G-SRT-11, F-TF-9, F-TF-8
Limits & Coordinate Systems
- Find limits & continuity
- Represent & calculate with vectors N-VM-1, N-VM-2, N-VM-3, N-VM-4, N-VM-5
- Represent and calculate complex numbers N-CN-4, N-CN-3, N-CN-5, N-CN-6