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    Alice Pragman 1960sThe Alice Pragman Award for English Excellence


    The Alice Pragman Award for English Excellence was created in 2008 to honor a former Elgin High School English teacher who also served as head of the English department until her retirement in 1980. Miss Pragman maintained the highest of standards and inspired three generations of future English teachers. The award, created to honor Miss Pragman’s legacy, is awarded annually to an EHS senior who plans a career in English teaching, writing, or English-language studies. 

    The award is presented at the EHS Senior Recognition Assembly; Miss Pragman was present in 2009 to honor the first award recipient. Sadly, she passed away in October 2021 at the age of 97.




    The ScholarshipAlice Pragman yearbook photo

    Upon Miss Pragman's death, Alice's family chose to enhance the already prestigious award by creating a $1,000 scholarship for the winner of the Pragman award.   

    Miss Pragman's great-nephew told the U-46 Educational Foundation that his Great Aunt Alice was "always quietly proud of this recognition,"  and he felt the added scholarship piece would be "a good way for us to extend the honor given to her."

    Elgin High School seniors who might qualify for the Alice Pragman Award for English Excellence should contact their Elgin High School English teacher. 




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Alice Pragman Award for English Excellence