Multilingual and Multicultural Education
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- Multilingual and Multicultural Education
- General Information
- Bilingual Program 50th Anniversary Celebration
- MME Programs
- MME Department Staff
- Parent/Community Resources
- Newcomer Parent Support Group
- Día del Niño/Children's Day
- Resources for Teachers
- Resources for Students
- Dual Language Parent Academy
- Ayuda Con ZOOM
- Voces del Corazón/Voices from the Heart
- Dual Language Audit
- School District U-46
- MME Programs
- MME Secondary Programs
MME Secondary Programs
Resources for parents on how to learn how to prepare your children for high school:
- Helping your Student Transition to High School Parents Guide 8th Grade - English
- Ayudando a su estudiante en la transición a la preparatoria - Guia para padres 8vo Grado
MME Program at the Secondary Level
The MME Program at the secondary level offers two programs for ELL Program students, Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) in Spanish and Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI). Both programs are offered at the following schools: Abbott Middle School, Ellis Middle School, Kimball Middle School, Larsen Middle School, Tefft Middle School, Bartlett High School, and South Elgin High School. Abbott Middle School, Ellis Middle School, Kimball Middle School, Larsen Middle School, and Tefft Middle School also offer the Dual Language Program at the 7th and 8th-grade levels. In addition, Bartlett High School, Elgin High School, Larkin High School, South Elgin High School, and Streamwood High School offer the Dual Language Program at the 9th and 12th-grade levels.
MME Middle School Program
The MME at the Middle School level offers two programs; Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) and Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI). Both programs are offered at the following schools:
These schools also offer the Dual Language Program.
Dual Language Program: 7th - 12th Grade
Students enrolled in the Dual Language Program at the middle school level receive Spanish instruction in Spanish Language Arts and Social Studies within a two-period humanities block. The bilingual teacher incorporates the four areas of language arts: listening, speaking, reading, and writing to instruct students in rigorous Spanish and Social Studies or History instruction. At the high school level, dual language students in the 9th grade receive instruction in Spanish during Spanish Languages Arts, Mathematics, and Science classes. At the 10th grade level, dual language students receive instruction in Spanish during Spanish Language Arts, Mathematics, Health, and a semester elective. At the 11th grade level, dual language students receive Spanish instruction during Advanced PlacementTM (APTM) Spanish, or Dual Credit classes, and one or two elective courses. Finally, at the 12th-grade level, dual language students receive Spanish instruction during Advanced PlacementTM (APTM) Spanish, Latino/a/x Studies, or Dual Credit classes, and one or two electives courses.
Students who qualify for EL services receive a period of ESL instruction. The licensed teacher(s) strategically plans the ESL periods to ensure structured activities that extend the students' thinking and develop a deep schema to respond to literature and informational texts and fully comprehend academic content in the three subject areas. The courses comply with state regulations and follow the district-approved curricula, while also meeting the academic and linguistic profile of our students.