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- School District U-46
- Welcome
- Second Grade
Second Grade
Please be logged in with your U-46 email to access these files.
Student Materials
In Class
Learn Workbook
Fluency Practice Workbook
Succeed Workbook
Modules 1-3 (English, Spanish)
Modules 4-5 (English, Spanish)
Modules 6-8 (English, Spanish)
Supporting Your Child in Math (English or Spanish)
Parent Support from Eureka Math
Suggested Links from Eureka Math
Additional Materials
Module 1
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 2
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 3
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 4
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 5
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 6
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 7
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Module 8
Teacher Materials (English, Spanish)
Parent Newsletters (English, Spanish)
Teachers, please see your Canvas Resource Course for additional files and information.