Aaron Farabaugh

Aaron Farabaugh


What school will you be attending in the fall?

Florida State University

What Major will you study?

Creative Writing and Theater

What is the most important thing you learned in high school?

FANBOYS! It's an acronym I learned in English freshman year that helped us to learn the 7 conjunctions like "for" and "and."

What is your favorite high school memory?

I wrote and recited roasts of a few of my teachers in front of the class (respectfully, of course).

What was your favorite class or learning experience?

My favorite classes were all four years of English and AP Calculus AB because Mr. Wetendorf is the greatest of all time.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Keep telling yourself that high school is fun because if you say it enough, it will become true.

What or who do you account for your academic success and ranking in the top 2 percent of your senior class?

I have found that the practice of goal-setting is essential to staying on track and finding success whether it be in terms of academic success or anything else.