Bridget Bondi

Bridget Bondi

What school will you be attending in the fall?

Purdue University

What Major will you study?

Computer Engineering

What is the most important thing you learned in high school?

Hard work will pay off in the end, even if it doesn't seem like its worth it at the time. 

What is your favorite high school memory?

Playing soccer for the past 4 years on the school team.

What was your favorite class or learning experience?

My favorite class was AP Calculus AB.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Don't be afraid to branch out and try something new, whether it be a sport, club or class, because you might end up really liking it and meet some amazing people because of it.

What or who do you account for your academic success and ranking in the top 2 percent of your senior class?

I account a lot of my success to my teachers who showed me nothing but support these past four years. I couldn't have made it through without their support with not only school but in life as well. I also account my family and friends for my success because they helped to keep me sane and were all very supportive as well.