Garima Shah

Shah, G.

What school will you be attending in the fall? 
University of Michigan

Computer Science

What is the most important thing you learned in high school? 
The most important thing I learned was how to be confident and present.

What is your favorite high school memory? 
My favorite memory is team building day from my senior year.

What was your favorite class or learning experience? 
My favorite learning experience was being able to create my senior tech project.

Share your best advice for incoming freshmen. 
Treasure every moment because it will end before you know it. Put in your best effort but don't pressure yourself. Figure out who your support system is and don't be afraid to lean on them.

What or who do you account for your academic success and ranking in the top 2 percent of your senior class? 
My academic success is due to the amazing teachers and staff, my friends, and my family. They all gave me an amazing support system throughout my academic career.

What are you learning about yourself and the world as we collectively face this global pandemic?
There are people willing to do good in the world and humanity still prevails.