Adib Shethwala

Adib Shethwala


What are your post-high school plans?

I will be attending Loyola University Chicago, studying neuroscience.

What is the most important thing you learned in high school?

The most important thing I learned is that one mistake will never hinder your progress. Failures are a part of the process.

What is your favorite high school memory?

Pep rallies every year were definitely my favorite times at BHS.

What was your favorite class or learning experience?

My engineering class with Mrs. Stevens was my favorite class. A lot of my friends were my classmates, and we had a ton of fun making and presenting our projects.

Share your best advice for incoming freshmen:

Never pressure yourself based on how well others are doing. Stay in your lane and continuously improve yourself socially and academically. Compete with the person you were yesterday, not with the people around you.

What or who do you acknowledge for your academic success, and ranking in the top 2 percent of your senior class?

All of the Academy teachers were a huge part of my life at BHS, as well as the friends in the Academy I made along the way.

What life lessons or observations have you gained about yourself, and the world, during the 2020-21 school year?

There are people in the world who don’t have the same opportunities that we do. We should always be grateful for what we have, no matter how many times life may push us down.