- School District U-46
- Class of 2021
- Top 2 Percent
Connor Humphreys
What are your post-high school plans?
I will be attending the University of Notre Dame and plan on majoring in political science.
What is the most important thing you learned in high school?
I would say the most important thing I learned is to really take what you do seriously, and put your all into it. From your academics, to sports you may play, to things like your commitments to your family, doing what you're expected to do all the time is essential.
What is your favorite high school memory?
My favorite memory from high school has to be spending time on at practices and competitions with the guys on the track and cross country teams. We really elevated our level throughout these last four years, and having good times on runs are something I'll never forget.
What was your favorite class or learning experience?
I loved AP Spanish Language & Culture with Mr. Castillo. Despite learning virtually, I can say that it's the class where I have seen the most change and improvement in what I knew from the beginning of the year, to the end of the year.
Share your best advice for incoming freshmen:
I would say that you should always advocate for yourself. Very few people actually care about you more than you do, so you have to be the one to stand up for yourself when you need to.
What or who do you acknowledge for your academic success, and ranking in the top 2 percent of your senior class?
My parents deserve most of the credit for the man I am today. I am no better or smarter than the next guy, but I've succeeded because they've always pushed me to be my best.
What life lessons or observations have you gained about yourself, and the world, during the 2020-21 school year?
I've learned how quickly the world can change while society will still cling to the familiar. It seems that for some of us our lives have been altered drastically and permanently, and yet other people haven't changed their day to day lives at all. I hope that after seeing how quickly our world can be flipped on its head, people will start to appreciate the things in life that are forever, like family.