PD Committee Header
  • The Professional Development Committee exists to promote and support staff access to professional development. Our vision is to support and empower U-46 teachers through professional development experiences to ensure every student's school experience includes an effective learning environment and engaging instruction that meets the academic, social and emotional needs of all students, in alignment with district goals.

    Members of the committee imform their staff about professional development events, planning, needs, concerns, and feedback.  They also bring information from their staff to the full committee to help improve Professional Development offerings. The Professional Development Committee allocates funds following the established protocols for individual, site, and systemic opportunities.

    From the ETA contract:

    15.32 Role and Function

    The role of the Professional Development Committee is to coordinate and to plan learning opportunities to support professional development for all teachers, recognizing their differentiated needs. All representatives will collaborate with the SIP team at their school or their department within the district to plan professional development activities. The Committee shall establish procedural guidelines as necessary for its operation.