• Each month, the PD Committee Representatives share out key points from the meeting with their respective programs/buildings.  We have decided to post the meeting highlights here for those individuals who may not have a PD rep at their building. Meeting minutes are posted below.

    Here are the main points from the information shared in December:

    • Learning Opportunities: TMP visits for the Learning Lab are open for the second semester! Math has new newsletters that are sharing PD opportunities. We are starting to gear up for the learning on PPDs in February and April - more information to come in January!!
    • Funds for Professional Learning: We are close to reaching our limit of available funds for professional learning. More information will be communicated in January after all applications from this month are reviewed.
    • Return from Conference Feedback: We’re gathering input on how conference participation impacts learning in U-46. If you have insights or suggestions, please let me know.