Member Responsibilities
As a member of the Community Advisory Council, your primary responsibility is to act as a liaison between the school you represent and the council. This means you represent your school to the general membership and leaders of the CAC, and additionally, you represent the CAC at your school. You are encouraged to pursue your interests or further represent your school by serving on a Committee.
How to Become a Representative
The Council welcomes all parents and community members who live within the district to become a representative. School principals, along with input from parent leaders, select up to five representatives, and an additional two can be appointed by the CAC leadership to serve as “at-large” members. The only difference between appointed members and at-large members is that at-large members cannot serve in a leadership position; all other opportunities and responsibilities remain the same. Every effort should be made to attract members who represent the socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of each school’s attendance area.
If you would like to become a member of the Community Advisory Council, please contact the principal at one of the schools in your school attendance zone. You may also apply for an “at-large membership” by contacting the council chairperson or calling the District’s School & Community Relations Office at (847) 888-5000 ext. 5300.