- School District U-46
- Medical/Religious Accommodations Process
Medical/Religious Accommodations
Medical Accommodation/Exemption from Physical Education:
Physical education requires physical activity to fully participate in skill development and the curriculum is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards and National Physical Education Standards. Sometimes, injury, medical conditions, or religious beliefs inhibit a student from being able to participate in physical education. Below is the process in place for a student who needs a short or long-term medical/religious exemption from physical education.
U46 Elementary PE Medical Exemption ProcessU46 Elementary PE Medical Exemption Process
U46 Educación Física Primaria Proceso de Exención Médica Español
U46 MS/HS PE Medical Exemption Process
U46 Proceso de Exención Médica de Educación Física Secundaria Español
Religious Accommodation/Exemption from Physical Education:
If a student is ill or has a religious exemption from an activity and cannot participate in physical
education for a period of three days or less, they need to bring a note signed by their parent or
guardian explaining the reason why. The student will still attend their PE class and provide a note
to their teacher. Students will not be required to participate in the assigned physical activity and
may be given an alternate assignment that is applicable to the content missed.
If a student cannot participate for a period longer than three days, they will need a note from their
guardian or clergy on letterhead from the place of worship explaining the reason why.
Each request for an extended accommodation will be reviewed by the teacher and school
administration on a case by case basis. In extreme cases, you may be placed in a study hall,
depending on the length of the requested accommodation or modification.