• Residency

    All students are required to have proof of residency within the School U-46 boundaries. If you are new to the district, recently moved, using a lease or affidavit, you will need to update your proof of residency at your school.  Schools may also request updated proof of residency at any time to make sure student records are current. 

    Residency Requirements

    1. Proof of Custody and Residency Form - English or Spanish
    2. Two (2) Proofs of Residency as indicated in the form above
    3. Affidavit of Resident Regarding Residency of Others
      This form is only needed if the parent/guardian is living with others, therefore do not have a lease, mortgage statement or real estate tax bill. This form MUST be updated annually. Please contact your school or the registration office for a copy. 

    Need to scan a document for uploading?
    Follow these instructions:
    Android Phone

    If you cannot provide the required documents, please contact:
    Project Access 847-888-5000, ext. 6768, 6769 or 6765

    For more information about Project Access and what qualifies a child for
    McKinney-Vento services, please view the following documents in English or Spanish.

    When a student's change of residence is due to the military service obligation of the student's legal custodian, the student's residence is deemed to be unchanged for the duration of the custodian's military service obligation if the student's custodian made a written request. The District, however, is not responsible for the student's transportation to or from school.

    If, at the time of enrollment, a dependent child of military personnel is housed in temporary housing located outside of the District, but will be living within the District within six months after the time of initial enrollment, the child is allowed to enroll, subject to the requirements of State law, and must not be charged tuition. Click to see full Board Policy 7:60 Residence.

    Please note: Certain proofs of residency require annual updates, or when a document expires. If requested, the information will need to be turned into your child’s school before registration is considered complete. ALL Affidavits of Residency and month to month leases must be updated annually.

    The district reserves the right to investigate any claim of residency. 

    Click here to find your school’s phone number and website.