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Frequently Asked Registration Questions
I have questions about registration.
Click on the titles below to expand for more information.
When and where will their schedules be available?
Schedules for middle and high school students and classroom assignments for elementary students are going to be released on July 17, but only for students who are fully registered.
The schedules will be posted through the Registration Checklist, which is also a resource to help you easily determine what items you need to complete for the 2024-25 school year.
If you have an Infinite Campus Parent account, use this link to access the Registration Checklist, it uses the same username and password as your Campus account. Or you can access the link while in your Infinite Campus account. Click on the “menu” icon, or look at the menu on the top left, and click on the tab that reads “More.” You’ll see the Registration Checklist on the far right of the screen. As you review the checklist, a green checkmark indicates the item is complete. A red or warning sign indicates a required item is missing or incomplete. Click “Español” in the upper right corner to read the checklist in Spanish.
You can contact your school to complete any remaining items on your checklist.
During the summer, if you have younger children, our Registration Office will be happy to assist you at 847-888-5000 ext. 5717, or ext. 5016 for assistance in Spanish.
Please don't delay - complete your registration today!
What age does my child need to be for kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year?
To be age eligible for Kindergarten, your child will need to turn 5 by September 1, 2024.
What if I registered in February?
If you took advantage of Kindergarten registration in February, you do not need to register again.
However, if you are a current family and used the New Student Registration to register only your kindergarten student, then you will need to use the Existing Student Registration to register the rest of your children. Most likely the registration will also list your kindergarten student, it is okay to complete the registration with them on there.
Note: when in the Online Registration section of Campus Parent, you will see progress updates under New and Existing Student Registration. If your Existing Student Registration shows the progress as completed, you can review a PDF version of your submitted application. If you are missing a student, you can use the New Student Registration.
Why do I need to register every year?
We need to confirm that your child is returning so that we can plan our transportation so that we are ready for the first day of school, retain and hire the right number of teachers, and create our class lists.
Also, in our application there are required parent sign-offs. Without them, your child may not be able to participate in summer camps, including sports.
School District U-46 also requires current and up-to-date residency documentation on file for each student. You may be required to turn in updated documents and forms.
Kindergarten, 6th, 9th and 12th grade students require physicals and/or immunization updates. Please visit our Health Services website for more information.
What documents does my child need to start kindergarten?
Listed below are the required forms and documents needed.
The links will take you to printable forms. If you print, fill out and save as PDFs prior to starting your online registration, items with an *can be uploaded to your application.- Certified copy of their birth certificate*
- Required Proof of Residency*
- Kindergarten Health Requirements* (click here for more information)
- 2023-24 form may not be ready at this time, you can start with last year's form/inforamtion
- Pre-Admission Health form* (click here to print) (PK and Kindergarten Only)
- Home Language and Language & Education Background forms (click here to print)
- These are required if you and/or your child speaks another language other than English. The two forms are included in one file.
- Additional information on forms and requirements (useful for older children you may be registering)
I currently have other children in U-46, can I register them at the same time?
Yes, you will register all of your children at the same time!
Simply login to your Campus Parent Account
- Go to the MORE tab on the left side of your screen
- Select Online Registration, then select the option for 2023-24 (After February 6th)
- Review, edit and complete the information in each section of the registration
- If your kindergarten age student is listed in the Non-U-46 section, use the checkbox to move them to the student section
- If you kindergarten age student is NOT listed in the Non-U-46 section, skip to the STUDENT section, and add them as a NEW student after you have completed each of the currently enrolled students' information
- Submit your application when all sections are complete by using the red SUBMIT button
I am interested in Dual Language for my child!
School District U-46 has an award-winning Dual Language program.
Our application includes a checkbox for you to let us know you are interested in this program for children entering Kindergarten and 1st grade.Click here for more information on our Dual Language Program
Deadline for submission: Friday, May 12, 2023.
My child will not be 5 by September 1st. What options do I have?
We have many opportunities for children 0-5 years old.
If you are interested in seeing what program your child may qualify for, please add them to your application as a student. Our Early Learners staff will contact you to arrange for an appointment for you and your child.For more information click here: 847-888-5000, ext. 6991
Email -
How can I get help with registration?
Some of our schools will be hosting registration events, or contact them to set up an appointment. Click here to see a list of school events and phone numbers. Spring Registration Events
Or contact our office help, please call us or send us an email:
- Lynn Ward, Registration Coordinator
847-888-5000 Ext. 5715 - Rosa Ramirez, Registration Secretary
847-888-5000 Ext. 5016 (para Español) - Department E-mail:
- Fax: 847-931-2394
- Lynn Ward, Registration Coordinator
My child's other parent does not show on the application.
When you first enroll your student, we ask for both parents' names to be added to the application. If the other parent's name was not added, or marked as not living in the household, they will not be listed in the application in future applications since they are not a member of your primary household. This does not mean that they have been removed as a parent, or a guardian. Only household members appear in the parent and student section of our annual registration.
When completing an application for a current student, parents will not be able to add new parents to the application.
If the parent was left off by mistake, please contact your child's school to let them know the other parent needs to be added.
If they are noted as living separately, the other parent should create their own Infinite Campus Parent account. When they log in and go to the More tab, and then to Family Information, they will find themselves listed with the students. They can review their phone number, email and home address-if provided originally. They will also see themselves noted as a guardian. If changes need to be made to their information, they should contact the school. They should not worry if they are not listed on the current school year application, they already exist.
PLEASE NOTE: do not add stepparents as guardians unless they have been granted legal custody. They do not automatically have guardianship rights of stepchildren unless we have court documentation. Stepparents can be listed in the same household, but not as a guardian. They can be a priority emergency contact.
What school will my child attend?
Students are assigned to schools based on their home address.
Find your school and if your address qualifies for transportation, click here to enter your address.What documents do I need to provide?
The section below is a collection of our most frequently needed documents and forms, and other useful information.
Printable Registration Forms
In addition to the Online Registration (OLR) application there are other documents schools collect. Listed below are the most often requested forms that you can print and email to
We have included a brief description to help you determine which ones you will need for your children. Each child will need their own set of documents.
Proof of Custody and Residency (click here to print in English or Spanish)
This form is required for new students, students who have moved to a new address, or have had a change of guardianship. Two (2) proofs of residency must accompany this form. Instructions and the acceptable types of documentation are listed on the form. Each student will need their own form, which must be signed and dated.
Health Services: Pre-Admission Health form (click here to print)
This form should be filled out for all Pre-K and Kindergarten students new to the district. This prints in English and Spanish.
For more information on Health Requirements please use this link to the Health Services Reminders and Forms website.
Home Language and Language & Education Background forms (click here to print)
Parents of ALL new students PreK-12 registering in the district will complete the Home Language Survey on their Online application.For any student with a YES response to either question on the Home Language Survey parents will need to also fill out a paper Home Language Survey and the Language & Educational Background form.For your convenience we have put these two forms together in the above link. The Home Language Survey prints in multiple languages, the Language & Educational Background form prints in English and Spanish.For more information please visit the English Learners Website.Consent for Release of Records form (Click here to print in English or Spanish)
This form is needed to allow the district to obtain records from your child's previous school.
General Registration Information
Click the titles below to expand each section.
What if I have children to register for our current school year (2023-24)
The Registration Office contact information is at the bottom of this screen or contact your school. We are ready to help you!
All students are required to have proof of residency in the School U-46 boundaries. If you are new to the district, recently moved, using a lease or affidavit, you will need to update your proof of residency at your school. The following is required to prove residency:
- Proof of Custody and Residency Form - English or Spanish
- Two (2) Proofs of Residency as indicated in the form above
- Affidavit of Resident Regarding Residency of Others - English or Spanish This form is only needed if the parent/guardian does not own or lease their residence. This form MUST be updated annually.
If you cannot provide the required documents, please contact Project Access at 847-888-5000 ext. 6768 or 6765.
Please note: Certain proofs of residency require annual updates, or when a document expires. If requested, the information will need to be turned into your child’s school before registration is considered complete. ALL Affidavits of Residency must be updated annually.
The district reserves the right to investigate claims of residency within the district.
Click here to find your school’s phone number and website.
Health Requirements
Students entering Preschool, Kindergarten, 6th, 9th, and 12th grade are required to submit health records to the school. Click here to see the requirements for your student. As an option, you may upload your child's physical and/or immunization records right to the Registration Application, or you may email them to the Health Services Department. For questions, please email
When do I pay registration fees?
Instructional fees have been waived for the 2022-23 school year due to the impact of COVID 19 on our families.
Pending School Board approval, these fees will also be waived for 2023-24. Please see School Fees for more information.All other fees, such as Athletic Fees and Driver's Education can be paid through your child's school, or through your Campus Parent account.
How will I know when my children are fully registered?
To be considered fully registered, you must complete Steps 1 & 2.
You must have submitted an online registration and provided your school with all of the required documents and forms.New Families: With both steps completed, your school can enroll your child. Within 72 hours of enrollment, you will receive an invitation to create a Campus Parent account for Infinite Campus. If you did not provide an email address on your online application, your school can provide you with login information, or your child's student ID number, so you can create your own account.
I have my child's student ID# I want to create my own Campus Parent Account!Current Families: Use your Campus Parent account information to login to our Registration Checklist. This application will give you an overview of what you have completed, and what requirements are missing.
I have children at different schools.
You will register all of your students on one application, no matter what school or program they attend.
If you are a current family, you will see all of your current students listed in the student section. If you previously added a child to the Non-U46 section, please use the checkbox to "move" them to the student section.
Please note, if you need to add a student, you should NOT add them to the Non-U46 section-just proceed to the student section.However, you will need to contact each school to make sure that they have all of the required documentation.
How can I get help with registration?
Some of our schools will be hosting registration events, or contact them to set up an appointment.
Or contact our office help, please call us or send us an email:- Lynn Ward, Registration Coordinator
847-888-5000 Ext. 5715 - Rosa Ramirez, Registration Secretary
847-888-5000 Ext. 5016 (para Español) - Department E-mail:
- Fax: 847-931-2394
- Lynn Ward, Registration Coordinator
Okay, I am ready to register, where do I go?
- Online registration information for
- New families
This link will take you to information for families that currently do not have any students enrolled in School District U-46. - Current families
This link is for families that currently have students attending School District U-46
- New families
- Return me to the main page
- Online registration information for
Additional Information for Current Families
Families with currently enrolled students have some additional tools you can use. Click the titles below to expand each section.
What if I need assistance with registration?
Please contact your school, or the registration office if you need assistance with the completing the online registration or if you have any questions.
Registration Status/Registration Checklist
To be fully registered, the following must be completed:
- Online registration application submitted and approved
- Approved Proof of Residency on file at each school
- Up-to-Date Medical Information on file at each school
- Required Fees Paid in Full
Using your Campus Parent login, use this link to review the Registration Checklist.
Instructions for using a student Chromebook for OLR
We know that parents may not always have access to a computer; we have added a feature to the student Chromebooks that we highly recommend for access to Online Registration. Please follow the instructions below.
- Have your student login to their computer (parents cannot login on their own)
- A Bookmark has been created for Campus Parent
- Go to: U-46 Link
- Select: Campus Parent Login for Registration
- Do NOT save your password to the student computer
- Do NOT give your child your Campus Parent Login, this is your personal information!
- Students can NOT register themselves
- Follow the Instructions for Online Registration above
Student Registration Office Contact Information
The objective of the Student Registration Office is to support learning for all U-46 students through efficient and accurate student registration. If you have a question that is specific to your student's school, please contact the staff at your school or visit the school's website. For other questions, please contact the Student Registration Office through the Contact Us link on the left for a prompt response.
Lynn Ward, Registration Coordinator
847-888-5000 Ext. 5715
Rosa Ramirez, Registration Secretary
847-888-5000 Ext. 5016 (para Español)Department E-mail:
Fax: 847-931-2394
To better serve our parents, appointments are required. Contact the Registration Office, located at the Welcome Center, see information below, or your child's school.
Your registration provides the district with important agreements and other required information that must be updated annually.
Thank you!