Current COVID-19 Information and Policies

  • Exclusion Policies as of 3/6/2024:

    • Individuals who test positive will be excluded from school until they have been fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication) AND have overall symptom improvement. 

    *Parents/ Guardians: If your student has tested positive for COVID, please contact your school's nurse as soon as possible. If you are not sure who to contact, please visit our website.*

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What Changed?

    With the updated guidance from March 5th, 2024, students who test positive for COVID are no longer excluded from school for a preset amount of time. Instead, a student can return to school once they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and have overall symptom improvement. 

    What happens if my student tests positive for COVID-19

    If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please alert your building nurse and attendance line. Your student will be excluded until they are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and any other symptoms have improved.


    If your student never had a fever, they would simply need to be feeling better overall.


    Your student is able to return to school once both of those pieces (fever free and symptom improvement) are true.


    Until your student meets the return requirements, please continue calling your student out of school daily.


    Is masking required on days 6-10? Is masking required at all?

    The new guidance recommends masking when your student returns to school and for five days after. However, there is no longer a requirement for anyone to mask regardless of where they stand in their timeline.


    Does the District still have at-home COVID tests available?

    Yes. Each building has a small supply of at-home COVID tests that are available for our students. Please note that these tests cannot be performed in a school building, and cannot be done by the building nurse.


    What about students who were excluded recently under the previous guidance?

    Those individuals who are still within their previously assigned exclusion timeline will be contacted by your building nurse and informed of the new guidance. Those individuals would also be eligible to return to school once they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and have had overall symptom improvement.


    Am I required to test my student for COVID?

    No. While it is recommended that anyone experiencing one or more symptoms of COVID-19 be tested, it is not required.